Wednesday, October 24, 2012

“Cartoons and photography” –who would have thought?

With little or no fanfare, at least to my knowledge, the Library of Congress has mounted a fascinating little exhibition: “Down to Earth: Herblock and Photographers Observe the Environment.”  Co-curated by Carol Johnson and Sara Duke, the exhibit is housed in the Graphic Arts Galleries on the ground level of the Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First Street, S.E., Washington, DC, and is on view through March 23, 2013.

The exhibition features 15 Herblock cartoons and 17 photographs, including an image by Alex S. MacLean, one of the Kathleen Ewing Gallery’s featured photographers.  Alex is in good company, along with notable photographers such as Ansel Adams, Terry Evans, Frank Golhke, John Pfahl and Edward Burtynsky, among others.

Why cartoons and photography?  According to the Library of Congress’ press release, “Although the visual techniques used in photography and cartooning differ, both types of media can address such themes as the spread of toxins, water pollution, the negative effects of oil drilling, global warming, deforestation, exploitation of wetlands and overconsumption.”   The curators also say, “The cartoons and photographs on display are compelling compositions because their creators intended to provoke and inspire change.”

The concept of provoking and inspiring change is a consistent theme in Alex S. MacLean’s enormous body of work.  As an aerial photographer, flying above and close to the earth, MacLean is able to capture scenes us mortals would never see.  MacLean has to his credit numerous publications, most of which deal with troublesome environmental issues.  There are, however, many Alex MacLean images which convey peaceful landscapes full of bucolic shapes, patterns and colors.  One of my favorites is “Sheep Field south of Pienza, Italy,” pictured above.

I have to admit I have not actually visited this exhibition, but plan to soon.  For a preview, go to and enjoy. To see the Alex MacLean image featured here, or others, let me know and we’ll set up a time to look at his portfolio.

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